Monday 29 February 2016

Dr. Don S. Moore - About Dental Veneers

Dr. Don S. Moore is a Washington dentist with a positive reputation and a number of loyal customers who visit his clinic, Dash Point Family Dental. Like most modern dentists, Dr. Don S. Moore offers dental veneers to patients who would like to change the size, length, shape or color of their teeth. If you’d like to change your teeth, veneers might be a good option. The following information can help you decide if veneers are right for you:
  • The Preparation – Before your dentist begins, you will typically come in for a general check-up and x-ray appointment. Next, you’ll schedule an appointment during which the dentist removes about 0.5 mm of enamel from each tooth before taking an impression so that the veneers can be custom-made. The removal of enamel is typically painless, but most clinics still offer local anesthetic.
  • The Placement – When your veneers arrive at your dentist’s office, you’ll come in for your second appointment. Your dentist will check to be sure the veneers are the right size, length, color and shape before cleaning your teeth and attaching the veneers.
  • The Preservation – Your dentist will likely want you to come in approximately two weeks after your veneer placement to ensure that they were properly adhered. Past your check-up visit, you’ll have your dentist examine your veneers during twice-yearly routine visits and you will care for your teeth as normal.
Now that you know what the process of getting dental veneers is like, have a chat with an experienced professional like Dr. Don S. Moore. He or she can answer your questions and help you begin your journey to a brighter smile.

Monday 22 February 2016

Dr. Don S. Moore - Facts About Cavities

Dr. Don S. Moore is a well-known dentist in Federal Way, Washington, and he provides service to his patients through his Dash Point Family Dental clinic. When general dentists like Dr. Don S. Moore treat patients, they see some issues much more often than others. The most common problem that dentists treat is the cavity. Though almost everyone knows that cavities are bad and painful, not everyone understands the finer details about cavities. The following facts about cavities might surprise even the most diligent brushers:
  • Snacking Can Cause Cavities – Cavities set in when the acid produced by bacteria after eating carbohydrates breaks down your enamel. When you eat something high-carb or sugary, your teeth are subjected to a 20-minute “acid attack.” If you’re always snacking, your teeth will never get a break from the acid attacks, which will make you more likely to get cavities.
  • Oral Health is Linked to Physical Health – Poor oral hygiene is linked to a number of health concerns, including diabetes and heart disease, in addition to being detrimental to your appearance. By maintaining your oral health, you protect your overall health and fitness from life-threatening diseases.
  • Health Foods Can Cause Tooth Decay – Carbohydrates and foods that stick to your teeth cause tooth decay regardless of whether they’re “healthy choices.” This includes granola, bread, bagels, dried fruits and more. Opt for health foods that aren’t sugary and won’t stick to your teeth, like fresh fruits and vegetables for example.
Dentists like Dr. Don S. Moore want to help their patients avoid cavities – if you feel that you don’t know enough about this oral issue, don’t hesitate to ask for more information during your next check-up.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Dr. Don S. Moore - Dental Implant Myths

Dr. Don S. Moore is a Washington dentist with decades of professional and educational experience in his field. Among Dr. Don S. Moore’s specialties are dental implants. Dental implants have been in use for decades and, despite come common misconceptions, they represent an ideal option for patients who face losing their teeth. Implants offer many benefits, such as helping to preserve your bone and behaving the same as real teeth, but common myths like the ones below persist:
  • Dental Implants Hurt Too Much – The myth that dental implants cause excruciating pain is false. Though any surgery that manipulates your bone will be painful, the pain of dental implants isn’t severe. For some patients, the pain is easily managed with aspirin or another over-the-counter pain reliever. For patients with more severe pain, prescription pain relievers will make it completely manageable.
  • Dental Implants Take a Long Time – The myth that dental implants take months simply isn’t true. The process requires a few weeks, to allow your bone to heal, and you will be given temporary teeth in the meantime.
  • Dental Implants Are Too Expensive – The myth that dental implants are too expensive is only half true. Dental implants are more expensive than dentures and they aren’t covered by all insurance, but the price isn’t as bad as you think. When you consider that your implanted tooth will no longer require general dental care, save for adjustments, implants can actually save you money in the long term.
An experienced dentist like Dr. Don S. Moore can help debunk any other myths that you have heard about dental implants. Additionally, these professionals can tell you what to expect for your current dental health and they can help you begin the process if you decide that it is right for you.

Friday 5 February 2016

Dr. Don S. Moore: What to Expect When Getting a Dental Crown

Experienced dentists like Dr. Don S. Moore might recommend a dental crown procedure to you for several reasons. These reasons can range from a discolored tooth to a root canal with a variety in between. Though getting a dental crown might sound scary, a caring professional like Dr. Don S. Moore can make the process simple and painless. Regardless of the simplicity, though, knowing what to expect can help you relax before you go in to your appointment. The following points can help you prepare for your upcoming dental crown procedure:

First Visit – Dental crown procedures typically require two visits. The first visit will entail your dentist examining and preparing your tooth for the crown with x-rays, a root canal (if necessary), filing or putty to make it the proper shape and height. Next, your dentist will mold the tooth so that the dental lab can properly fit the permanent crown. Finally, you will receive a temporary crown and a second visit appointment. 

Second Visit – When you go in for your second appointment, your dentist will remove the temporary crown and then fasten the permanent crown with dental adhesive. If necessary, your dentist will make adjustments to the crown height and then send you home, often with an appointment for a check-up.

Check-Up – At your check-up, your dentist will examine your crown and ask questions about how it feels to ensure it will serve you well. By the time of your check-up appointment, the crown should feel like a normal tooth in your mouth.
Dr. Don S. Moore works through his practice, Dash Point Family Dental, in an effort to provide the best possible dental care in the area. Look for someone equally passionate near you to get the best service.

Monday 1 February 2016

Dr. Don S Moore - Brush Your Way to a Beautiful Smile

Good oral hygiene not only keeps your teeth beautiful, but it also keeps your entire mouth healthy. Dr. Don S Moore often demonstrates proper brushing techniques to his patients. He also routinely advises them on the benefits of brushing and the consequences of poor oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth helps keep your teeth white, prevents gum disease, and helps keep your teeth strong.

People often go to extreme measures for white teeth. They spend hours applying whitening gels and strips, hoping for a brighter smile. If you want to keep your teeth white, there is a simple way to accomplish that. All you have to do is brush your teeth regularly with a good toothpaste. Staining is the result of time and consuming things such as coffee, tea and red wine. If you brush your teeth every morning and every evening, you will remove any remaining food particles that could stain your teeth. You should also choose a complete care toothpaste that has a whitening agent in it. This will help keep your teeth white and clean.

Brushing your teeth also prevents gum disease. Your toothbrush will remove the plaque that has developed during the day, and will prevent tartar from forming. Brushing twice a day will keep your gums healthy and disease free. Acids and sugars are a natural part peoples diets. However, if you do not brush your teeth regularly, those acids will sit on your teeth and eat away at the enamel. To prevent this, all you have to do is brush your teeth regularly. Brushing twice a day is important for tooth and gum health. Dr. Don S Moore urges his patients to get into this habit.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Dr. Don S Moore - Who Provides Endodontics?

Many people do not know the term Endodontics. Dr. Don S Moore readily informs his patients about what endodontics are and the importance of this field of study. Everyone should have a basic knowledge of this term so that they know what an endodontist can do for them. It is important to keep your teeth and your gums healthy, one way to accomplish this is to understand when you should see a dentist and what type of dentist you should visit.

There are several fields of specialty within dentistry. These specialties usually require dentist to study for additional years after they receive their Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). Endodontics is one of these specialties. The term has a Greek root, endo meaning inside, and odont meaning tooth. These dentists specialize in the study and the treatment of dental pulp. They focus on methods of saving teeth that involve working with the nerve and the root of a tooth. In order to become an endodontist, dentists need to go through an additional 2-3 years of specialty training through a dental program accredited by the American Board of Endodontics. An example of an endodontic treatment is a root canal. This procedure involves removing a damaged nerve while preserving the tooth. Endodontics also treats cracked teeth and dental trauma.

Severe dental damage may require the expertise of an endodontist. Dr. Don S Moore always reminds his patients that it is important to make regular visits to their dentists in order to prevent severe damage and to ensure the health and strength of their teeth.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Dr. Don S Moore - Everything You Should Know About Dentures

Dr. Don S Moore understands the day to day difficulties people have when they are missing teeth. These gaps make it difficult to chew and to speak. Tooth loss also causes facial muscles to sag, which results in premature aging. Missing a large number of teeth can change your life, therefore there are several things that you should know about dentures and how to get them.

The first question that should be answered is what exactly dentures are. A denture is a removable frame that holds one or more teeth. There are two major types of denture. The first is a full denture, which replaces all of your teeth. This type of denture sits directly on top of your gums after all of your remaining teeth have been removed. A conventional full denture is not used until your gums are fully healed from tooth removal. With this type of denture, you may be without teeth for several months. An immediate full denture is inserted immediately after tooth removal, however this type needs to be realigned after several months.

The second type of denture is a partial denture. This style uses a metal frame that rests on your natural teeth. It only replaces a few teeth, and is ideal for people who still have several healthy teeth. A partial denture is a removable alternative to dental bridges.

Dentures solve the day to day complications that tooth loss cause. Dr Don S Moore always has a ton of information on dentures for his patients.